Sunday, April 09, 2006

faulty washer/dryer

Hi! So last weekend, I placed a service request for my washer/dryer because it wasn't drying well at all. Like, once it was finished "drying," I would take out the clothes and still have to hang dry it for hours until they clothes completely dried. Well, the repairmen showed up this morning to fix the motor, which was the problem, I guess (I actually don't know why it wasn't drying). I actually had to leave while they were fixing it because I was going to play tennis with another Googler, Mark. When I got back home, the washer/dryer was claimed to have been fixed, so I ran a load of clothes. appears that something is wrong with the draining mechanism 'cuz the machine won't drain at all. So right now, my clothes are sitting in soapy water, and I can't take them out to dry them 'cuz this is a front load washer, so in order to take my clothes out, I would need to put something under the door to collect all the water. Since I don't have any receptacle that big, I'm just going to leave my clothes there until the repairmen show up tomorrow morning. And thus concludes the story of my faulty washer/dryer.

In other news, I went to the mall today to buy a bath rug and also to get a copy of Kingdom hearts 2. I watched most of the opening sequence (I needed to cook dinner, which is why I stopped it partway through), and listened to Utada Hikaru's english version of the theme song for the game, "Sanctuary." It's the first time I've ever heard the entire version of the song, and I think I prefer the Japanese version.

Nick was planning on returning to Santa Monica this weekend, but it appears that the movers aren't arriving until tomorrow morning, so he's planning on returning tomorrow night. I can't wait until he arrives...the nights have been incredibly lonely :(.

I visited the main office on Thursday to attend a presentation by my mentor, Teresa. I was also there to be introduced to the other key people on our team, Jason and Mike. Initially when we arrived, Teresa got an e-mail saying the two of them weren't going to be at the presentation, meaning that I wouldn't be meeting them at all. But then, they were able to schedule a meeting while I was still there, so I finally was introduced to them, and all was well.

And I think that's all I have for now. Hope all of you are doing well. BYE!!!

Jerry Liu


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