Monday, October 03, 2005

The death of our e-mail accounts

Hi! I'm not sure about Nick, but I know that my USC e-mail account has been disabled. Fortunately, I have my e-mails forwarded to our home account. I don't think Nick has done any e-mail forwarding, so I'm not sure how any of you are going to contact him via e-mail.

Nick and I just beat the new X-men game for the PS2 (it's available on the other platforms as well). Nick played with Rogue because he likes to "smash things," while I played with Storm and electrocuted and blew away my opponents. It was fun beating up various enemies and abusing the powers in our game. It was a bit short though...I think we finished it in about 15 hours. But it was a very amusing 15 hours. Next up: We love Katamari. If you don't know about this game, you should. It's the sequel to one of the most innovative games released in the past two years. Basically, the King of all Cosmos did something so that the sky now has no stars or planets. So he enlists the help of the "prince" and asks him to recreate the various stars and planets by rolling things up on earth. The more things you roll up, the bigger the star/better the planet/bigger the constellation/etc. (basically, the bigger the better...). The developers of the game had to put in a lot of time with the mundane aspects of the game. Every item that can be picked up is named, and there are something like 10,000 items (I'm making this number up, but it seriously is a huge number of different items). The music is cute and whimsical, much like the game. Our favorite lyric: "I want to wad you up into my life." At least, we think that's what the singer is saying, we could be wrong.

And Nick would like to add that traffic was incredibly good for him going to and from work. My took me almost an hour to get to work, but getting home was really quick.

Nick needs to open his new pack of socks that he bought...they're just sitting on the living room floor. If I see him wearing any more holey socks, I am throwing this pack of socks at him.

And that concludes this blog entry.

Jerry Liu


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