Sunday, April 23, 2006

Kylie and cheerleading

Hi! So, Nick and I were watching the national cheer and dance competition on TV (actually, I was the one watching it, Nick was in the living room and watched part of it, against his will), and the reigning dance champions, BYU, were up and I immediately recognized their first song as the intro. to Kylie's "Limbo." I thought it was an interesting choice of songs considering that it isn't well known at all, but it worked since it is a very upbeat song. Anyway, they won the competition again, and they deserved it because they really did look better than all the other teams.

Nick left for Seattle today and will be working from the Kirkland office this next week. It'll be lonely again, but at least he'll be returning Friday night, rather than some later date. This Thursday, Google's going to have a company outing. We're going to go go-kart racing at a park about 30-45 minutes away. Nick isn't going, which made me not really want to go 'cuz I wasn't sure who I would know. My manager's going, so at least I'll know one person. But, i did find out that three of the raters are going, as well as some of the recruiters, so I'll be able to hang out with non-engineers. YAY!!!

Last Thursday night, the company had an in-office happy hour where we invited a pool pro to show us some trick shots and teach us a few things about pool. It was really cool to see him perform the trick shots, but it was really great to learn how to hit the ball, how to bank balls, kick at balls, and just generally improve our pool game. And at the end, he seemed genuinely thrilled that there were 15 or so people left who had stayed and watched him until the end, and we were all very honored to have him in our office. It definitely motivated more of the Googlers to play pool.

Nick and I bought some ping pong balls for the office ping pong table. For some reason, we seem to lost ping pong balls very quickly. Some get damaged, but other just disappear. It's very odd, and very frustrating when anyone wants to play ping pong only to find out that there are no balls. Anyway, we got a 24 count package of ping pong balls...but I held onto 6 of them, so there are 18 balls available for general use. I hope they last for at least 2 weeks, but I don't have such high hopes for these poor balls.

Oh, and I'm excited that Alias has come back, but I have no idea what's happening in the's all very crazy, but i'll still watch the last 5 episodes.

Ok, hope all of you are doing well...does anyone still read this blog? BYE!!!

Jerry Liu


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