Thursday, October 13, 2005

no more leilani

This morning, I read on the Seattle Times website that Leilani Lanes has been sold to a developer who plans on building an apartment complex on that site. Although I bowled there a couple of times, I am going to miss the place once it closes its doors sometime next March. I guess Nick and I and the rest of the gang should bowl there while we're in Seattle for the holidays.

The only problem now is that the Leilani bowlers are going to move to Sunset, making it even more crowded than it already is. I suppose that we could go to Kenmore, but that feels....well...ghetto. I mean, it is Kenmore after all. What else is there besides Kenmore lanes?

Nick says that he likes work...he must like work 'cuz he didn't get home until 7:30 (he arrived at 9:00). We're trying to see if we can transfer to the New York office during the week of Thanksgiving. We're probably going to celebrate Thanksgiving with Nick's brother and his wife, and he thought it would be better if we could fly in the weekend before and then work the next three days, eat a lot for the holidays, and then leave the following weekend. This is a much better alternative than having to fly cross-country within a span of four days. The only problem is that I might not be able to work there because I'm not a full-time employee, and according to Nick's boss, no contractor has ever asked to be temporarily transferred to another office. Anyway, we'll see what my boss has to say about this proposal.

And that's all I can think of saying right now. BYE!!!

Jerry Liu


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